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Token Launched!!!

January 26, 2025

Wallet Address Below!

Utility NFTs Coming!

Coming Soon!

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  • Total Supply: 19,999,999,999 Tokens (~20 Billion)
  • A1: Non-Circulated Tokens (10%) (1,999,999,999 Tokens): Initially Kept out of circulation. Use Cases: Additional liquidity pairing, facilitation to get on other exchanges, and burning. Decisions will be left to the community to vote on.
  • A2: Project Member Wallets (24%) (4,799,999,999 Tokens): Wallets allocated to members and backers of the project
  • A3: Operations (12%) (2,399,999,999 Tokens): Continued operations of the project, utility development/expansion, and overhead
  • A4: Public Trading (54%) (10,799,999,999 Tokens): Left up to the community to trade how they see fit
  • Calculations are approximated above


  • To create the first official crypto coin of the GibThom Project and create the exclusive coin of the character Bip (Bipcoin)
  • To increase support, awareness, and provide sentimental value for the GibThom Project
  • To create crypto assets and commoditys with utility for Bipcoin holders... lots of cool and innovative things planned
  • To serve as a catalyst for creating a decentralized network and platform for "high quality" artists that can use crypto assets in their own projects in the way we intend to use crypto in ours. (We are interested in partnering with other artists to accomplish this)
  • To provide a way, through our crypto assets, that allows fans, sponsors, and other entities the ability to purchase shoutouts, market themselves and their materials, and advertise their products with our crypto assets in our content
Characters Image


  • For Project Member wallets, once market cap reaches 15 Million, we will burn 3% of holdings amongst these wallets
  • We will release the Project Member wallet address/s to our community. Community can track the integrity of the team and moves taking place (See Discord channel for specifics)
  • We will release the Non-Circulated wallet address/s to our community. Community can track the integrity of the team and moves taking place (See Discord channel for specifics)
  • Project Member wallets will hold at least 15% of their 24% holdings for 1 month and at least 10% for the first 6 months. We welcome, but not require, our holders to do the same for the benefit of the project (See Discord channel for specifics)
  • Project transaction fees will not exceed 0.1% without a 75% community vote approval. These fees will go towards long term operations and maintenance, along with utility development (See Discord channel for specifics)
  • Liquidity Pledge; We will not pull any liquidity for 6 months (July 26th). At that point, we will ask the community what should be done.

Top Level Project Member Wallets:

  • 2K14vZ6UZoyspmTznyNcCN7nExYEfWyvPonJYrtZqEnw
  • DB94mwyy9y3dCvxR4nHgZhm8N6Janny94Sb2efixTZ9k
  • 5vvKs24NhjuHBqYqD1nFy2wKnAPF2p1fxF1S16qyAiyR
  • 5dxKxzPHRFAZpym9yGzRAahkcsL2GwkQnpzr7m4392ad

Token address:

  • BipmCetP4FdMi9fpoE1t5TWxq6zUKS5KRkBXTw3jB8k2